Upgrading to our latest SDK

Upgrade to our latest SDK to get the latest features and bug fixes by following the instructions according to your installation method.

Upgrading on Flutter


flutter pub upgrade wonderpush_flutter wonderpush_fcm_flutter
cd ios
pod update WonderPush WonderPushExtension
pod install

Upgrading on Cordova

Take note of YOUR_CLIENT_ID, YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET and SENDER_ID from package.json, then adapt:

cordova plugin rm wonderpush-cordova-sdk --variable CLIENT_ID= --variable CLIENT_SECRET=
cordova plugin add wonderpush-cordova-sdk --variable CLIENT_ID=YOUR_CLIENT_ID --variable CLIENT_SECRET=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
cordova plugin rm wonderpush-cordova-sdk-fcm --variable SENDER_ID=
cordova plugin add wonderpush-cordova-sdk-fcm --variable SENDER_ID=YOUR_CLIENT_ID
cd platforms/ios
pod update WonderPush WonderPushExtension
pod install

Upgrading on ionic

If you're using ionic Capacitor:

npx upgrade wonderpush-cordova-sdk wonderpush-cordova-sdk-fcm
ionic capacitor sync
cd ios/App
pod update WonderPush WonderPushExtension
pod install

If you're using ionic with Cordova, take note of YOUR_CLIENT_ID, YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET and SENDER_ID from package.json, then adapt:

cordova plugin rm wonderpush-cordova-sdk --variable CLIENT_ID= --variable CLIENT_SECRET=
cordova plugin add wonderpush-cordova-sdk --variable CLIENT_ID=YOUR_CLIENT_ID --variable CLIENT_SECRET=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
cordova plugin rm wonderpush-cordova-sdk-fcm --variable SENDER_ID=
cordova plugin add wonderpush-cordova-sdk-fcm --variable SENDER_ID=YOUR_CLIENT_ID
cd platforms/ios
pod update WonderPush WonderPushExtension
pod install

Upgrading on ReactNative

npx upgrade react-native-wonderpush react-native-wonderpush-fcm
cd ios
pod update WonderPush WonderPushExtension
pod install

Upgrading an Android native integration

Open your app/build.gradle and make sure you have a line for wonderpush-android-sdk and wonderpush-android-sdk-fcm, and do a gradle sync.

implementation 'com.wonderpush:wonderpush-android-sdk:4.+'
implementation 'com.wonderpush:wonderpush-android-sdk-fcm:1.+'

We recommend writing the dependencies like specified in this example to get automatic updates, but you can also specify an exact version number if you do not wish to auto-update. You'll have to check our releases page regularily to get the latest version.


You can run ./gradlew --refresh-dependencies to refresh gradle's 24h cache if you're not picking up the latest version.

You can find out what version you're picking up with this command:

./gradlew app:dependencies | grep wonderpush

Upgrading an iOS native integration

Swift Package Manager

Find WonderPush in your package dependencies, right click and choose Update Package




pod update WonderPush
pod install



carthage update wonderpush-ios-sdk --use-xcframeworks

This will create updated versions of Carthage/Build/WonderPush.xcframework and Carthage/Build/WonderPushExtension.xcframework that you can integrate in your project by replacing the existing ones.

Manual integration

Download and update the built frameworks from our GitHub release page